The CRS product line is designed for uniform and dependable temperature control below an ambient condition.
Overall range capability of the standard CRS models is -50°C to +25°C and chambers can be designed for single point temperature control or variable set points.
- Bulk raw material and finished product storage
- Depressed temperature stability and shelf life studies
- Hazardous material storage
- Chromatography and analytical separations
- Media, chemical and reagent holding
- Plasma and blood product storage
Available in sizes from small step-in units to high-bay warehouse storage chambers, BES cold room series provides uniform and dependable temperatures control. They are the right choice when you need a low-temperature environment that combines maximum flexibility with advanced reliability features.
- Modular metal skinned panels with urethane insulated tongue and groove construction for chamber enclosure.
- "Cam-locking" construction with vinyl gasketed seams.
- Internal aluminum standard unit cooler plenum housings for efficient air delivery.
- Totally accessible hinged drain pan for maintenance and cleaning of all interior plenum components.
- PSC fan motors for energy efficiency.
- Automatic defrosting with refrigerant hot gas and/or electric heat for quick and efficient operation.
- User friendly touchscreen control system provides process control, process alarms and circuit switching.
- Microprocessor based I/O hardware with programmed logic running on Windows CE® platform. Control logic program is stored on a non-volatile, high capacity memory card EE-prom. All control parameter settings, alarms and setpoints are maintained during power failure, and restart is automatic upon power restoration.
- Realtime trending of temperature and humidity parameters and setpoints.
- Historical data logging is provided with the paperless recording capability.
- Interface USB port for data transfer to printer or removable memory stick to maintain local ‘paper trail’ requirements.
- Conformance to the FDA 21 CFR 11 requirements for data recording, audit trails of controller settings modi cation, alarm history logs, operator event logs and secure file transfers. Operating data is encrypted and stored in user defined time length log files, and can be viewed on the touchscreen, or remotely by PC. Password protection provides multiple levels of user access and de ned rights. Password aging and re-authentication for process changes are also provided per 21 CFR 11 specifications. High level encryption and digital signatures are supported for paperless operation.
Product Literature: BES_CRS