Releasat Biological Indicator

Releasat Biological Indicator

Mesa Labs
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Releasat is a biological indicator culturing kit containing MesaStrip paper strip biological indicators and culture tubes of specially formulated soybean casein digest culture medium containing a color indicator which turns a dramatic yellow when spores grow.

Releasat culture kits are available for monitoring industrial steam, chlorine dioxide, or ethylene oxide and dry heat sterilization processes.

The color indicator provides visual results within 24 hours (steam), 48 hours (chlorine dioxide) or 72 hours (EO / DRY) as opposed to the standard seven days. Releasat medium is used to culture the MesaStrip in place of “generic” soybean casein digest medium and provides a more rapid read-out. Each lot of Releasat culture tubes are quality control tested with appropriate MesaStrips.